What Is The Best Way to Rank for Keywords?: Brand vs. Non-Brand Strategies

Many small businesses want to be at the top of search engine results, but they don’t know how to do it. There are a lot of things to think about when it comes to SEO, but the most important ones are the rank for keywords you are targeting and how you use brand keywords vs. non-brand keywords.

Any SEO or PPC campaign needs the right keywords to work. The audience you reach and the results you get depend directly on the keywords you choose. At the start of your campaigns, you need to do a lot of research on keywords, keep an eye on how those keywords are doing, and keep looking for new opportunities.

In this article, ReposXDigital Professionals will answer all of your questions about brand keywords and non-brand keywords. We will not only talk about how to get branded and non-branded searches but also how to track them for better results.

What Are Branded and Non-Branded Keywords?

Non-brand vs. brand search is something you should know if you’ve been trying to rank your website for some time. There are clear differences between branded keywords and non-branded keywords, but both are important for your SEO strategy. Branded keywords are important because they make it easier for more people to find your business on the internet. Anyone can search for a keyword that is not a brand name, but when they do, they will see search results from other companies.

non-branded keywords, are generic and may be used by any company in any industry, In contrast, branded keywords, are those that pertain exclusively to your company or product.

Branded keywords contain your company’s name. So to use our agency as an example, any keyword containing “ReposX Digital Marketing Agency RYK” is a branded keyword, regardless of the other words around it.

Alternatively, you could think of the word “fast food” as an example, “fast food burgers” is a non-branded keyword that McDonald’s may employ.

Using effective SEO strategies is only part of the equation; working with an SEO agency is the surest way to reach the top as quickly as possible.

The Easiest Ways To Tell Which Keywords Are Branded or Non-Branded?

There is no tried-and-true method to maximize the number of results obtained by employing branded keywords as opposed to non-branded keywords.

Because they aren’t unique to a certain company, non-branded keywords tend to have more competition. There could be thousands of other companies advertising similar products and services, but your brand name should be the only one of its kind.

In the context of PPC, ads for branded keywords tend to have a higher conversion rate than ads for non-branded keywords. So, if you make separate campaigns for branded and non-branded ads, the branded ads are likely to do better.

If you want to get the most out of your branded keywords, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. Because the outcomes are so diverse, a brand’s associated keyword can sometimes become as popular as the non-branded keyword. A non-branded keyword may perform better than even the brand’s associated keywords in some cases.

What Are the Benefits And Drawbacks of Each?

Many companies prefer to focus on their brand name’s search engine rankings to influence the search engine results page (SERP). Customers are more likely to click on the link if they have a smooth experience.

Some businesses want to use branded keywords in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, although doing so can be costly. In addition, adding non-brand keywords helps broaden the organic reach of your business. Because branded keywords are so particular, their search volume may be lower than that of generic terms.

However, this technique requires you to rely on how many people know about your brand and how often they type it into the search box. When individuals are looking for something, they may use different variations of a keyword (or even misspell it).

You don’t have to rely on people recognizing your brand or putting it correctly into the search field while using this platform instead. All you have to do to remain at the top of search engine results pages is target any relevant and related keywords you like.

But the main negative is that you’ll likely face more competition, so you’ll need to devote more time and effort to research and strategy.

Which Approach Is Better for SEO Ranking: Branded Keywords or Non-Branded Keywords?

People often ask us if brand-name keywords or non-brand-name keywords get better results. This is a very common question for marketers who are setting up PPC campaigns since each keyword has its own cost. But the truth is that both branded and non-branded keywords are important for both SEO and PPC campaigns.

The solution to this question, though, isn’t as simple as it seems. Due to a wide range of variables, such as your industry’s uniqueness and the level of competition for your chosen keywords, whether or not your firm appears as a brand or not is highly dependent.

In general, branded keywords outperform unbranded keywords in terms of search engine optimization (SEO).

There is less competition for branded keywords, which makes them easier to rank. Using this strategy, you can reach a larger audience of people who already know about your brand, are more interested in your products or services, and are therefore more likely to become consumers; nevertheless, there is a limit to the number of people you can reach this way.

Since there is greater competition for non-branded keyword phrases, they’re less likely to drive traffic to your site and hence have a lower conversion rate. In addition, search engine algorithms are always changing, which might hurt your search engine rankings.

Which Brand vs Non-Brand Keyword Strategy Is Best for Your Business?

  • If you want to attract visitors to your website and raise your brand’s visibility, you should focus on brand keywords.
  • A non-brand strategy is preferable if you only want to rank for individual items or services.

How Can You Use Both Branded and Non-Branded Keywords in Your SEO Strategy?

Branded keywords and non-brand keywords can work well together to reach prospects at different stages of the sale leads. There’s no rush now that you’ve learned more about how branded and non-branded searches work. In your SEO strategy, you don’t have to select between branded and non-branded terms.

Pay care to where you position your keywords. To make things easier to follow, we’ve broken everything down into the following simple steps:

  • To quickly increase your website’s SEO rankings for specific keywords, use a branded keyword as an anchor text in your website links.
  • Your content marketing plan should focus on non-branded keywords if you want to keep attracting people who are seeking information on those keywords.
  • Mix up your sponsored search campaign keywords with both brand and non-brand terms. As a result, you’ll have a better chance of reaching those who are interested in both brand and non-brand searches.


Both branded and non-branded keywords are important for an online marketing strategy to work. Your SEO ranking can be improved by combining the brand and non-brand tactics outlined above. Your decision may become more difficult now that you have a better grasp of the pros and cons of each strategy.

No matter what method you choose ReposX Digital marketing professionals can help you improve your online marketing campaigns and reach more customers. We’ll learn about your business and use our knowledge of the industry to figure out the best keywords for your campaigns and come up with a unique plan to help you reach your goals.


Contact us today to tell us about your project and we would love to get started right away.

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