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What does an SEO audit cost you?

Let’s get started with the basics of an SEO audit — What is it?

Your website, just like other parts of your business needs to be maintained regularly. An audit is a comprehensive assessment of your website’s SEO performance. This audit identifies your website’s strengths and weaknesses in SEO.

ReposX Digital Marketing Agency South Punjab will be provided with a list of suggestions and recommendations based on the audit. If you choose to use an SEO audit tool, your team will have to manually update your website.

What does an SEO audit cost you?

An SEO audit can be paid between $650 to $14,000 depending on whether you are a small-to-medium-sized business (SMB), or an established enterprise. You will pay more for an SEO audit if your company has a large website than a startup.

SEO audit prices are affected by many factors, including the size of your site. This guide will provide an in-depth overview of what SEO audits are and what factors influence their cost in 2022/2023. After reading this article you will be able to determine the cost of an SEO audit for your company.

It is the same as a Google Automated Report?

Google provides an automated report that analyzes SEO performance for all websites found through its search engine. Although this report is a good starting point, it doesn’t address many of the most important objectives such as estimating overall investment and business impact.

Many SEO tools let you run audits and reports on websites. like ReposX Digital Marketing Agency South Punjab uses SEMRUSH, Screaming Frog SEO Spider to crawl websites and generate a list of possible errors. These warnings and errors can be useful for website maintenance and management.

What factors influence the SEO Audit Prices

Website size

The most important factor in the price of an SEO audit is its size. Websites with more pages require more time to evaluate. Therefore, a site with 100 pages is more expensive to audit than one with 50 pages.

A larger agency, however, can handle a greater workload. Because they have enough staff, the agency can charge a lower price for their services. 

Agency experience

The experience of your agency also determines SEO audit pricing. Your company will reap the benefits of a reputable agency. Partnering with an experienced agency means that you have a team who is passionate about SEO.

They are familiar with the requirements and know how to meet them. However, the agency’s experience can influence pricing. Most agencies with extensive experience tend to charge more for their services.

Audited elements

You’ll notice differences in the features promoted by different agencies when you look at their websites. Some agencies emphasize technical audits, while others focus on link audits with their SEO audit services.

An agency’s services will also influence the cost of an SEO audit. An agency that only provides a basic technical audit might charge less than one that offers a more comprehensive audit.

Turnaround Time

You can also expedite SEO audits, but this will cost you. Rush services are available, but they’re not required. You don’t need to worry if your company is happy to wait for your SEO audit report.


Many agencies that provide SEO audits also offer implementation services. The agency will make recommendations and then implement changes that you approve. This saves time for your team, especially if you are not familiar with technical SEO.

SEO audits are essential for developing and maintaining a quality website that is useful to your customers. It is obvious why this investment is worthwhile. These costs can vary, so it is important to do research specific to your company. But, ReposX Digital Marketing Agency in south Punjab guarantees that it will be worthwhile.

What is an SEO audit package include?

An SEO audit’s main purpose is to identify ways to optimize your website for your niche. SEO is not a one-size fits all solution. Every website and niche has its own needs.

However, most SEO audits will include a basic inspection and analysis of key site elements such as readability and technical performance.

As mentioned, there are many types of SEO audits. ReposX digital Marketing Agency south Punjab’s complete SEO audit package will generally include the following:

Technical audit

The Technical Audit is the thorough examination of a company’s manufacturing and quality control procedures to assure you that your requirements will be met or any deficiencies will be addressed.

ReposX digital Marketing Agency south Punjab SEO experts will examine factors like page loading times, mobile-friendliness, and any other technical factors that can affect your site’s readability or usabilities such as duplicate content and 404 error pages.

Content audit

An audit of content is the procedure of recording and analyzing every piece of content on a site, as well as its performance.

Our content audit process includes landing pages, service pages, and blog pages. Content is the key to SEO. Our SEO team will identify keywords that will help your website rank in your niche. 

Competitive audit

An audit of your competitive position can help you determine the locations of your competitors and the factors that make them more visible on the internet.  ReposX Digital Marketing Agency’s SEO team will provide a report on the strengths and weaknesses of your website, along with those of your main competitors. This allows you to optimize your site for SEO and improve your content while making it more competitive with key rivals.

Social audit

Social audits are an approach to measuring, comprehending, reporting, and ultimately, improving an organization’s ethical and social performance. ReposX Digital Social audits will check your site’s visibility on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. The social audit will also check your site’s shareability, which is how easy it is for users (URL sharpeners and readable content, etc.)

Link audit

A link audit is also known as an offsite audit. It will examine all backlinks that point to your website. SEO professionals refer to backlinks as link-building. A link audit will examine the quality of your backlinks, and make suggestions for ways to improve your offsite visibility.

What is the average time it takes to do an SEO audit?

A typical SEO audit takes between 2 and 6 weeks depending on how large your website is. It may take longer if your website has a lot of text and lots of backlinks. Do not be discouraged by how long it takes to complete your SEO audit. SEO is a lengthy process. We prefer to see it as a marathon and not a sprint.

Why you NEED an SEO Audit

SEO audits can be a great investment that will bring immense value to your company and business. Your company can reap the benefits of regular SEO audits and website updates in many ways like,

  • Your user experience can be improved
  • Maximize your site’s traffic
  • Speed up your website
  • Increase your revenue
  • Increase the visibility of your website
  • Restore your SEO strategy

Even if your goal is not to implement a new SEO strategy on your site, an SEO audit can still be very helpful in improving user experience on your site. These are just a few of the reasons businesses should perform regular SEO audits on all their websites.


The cost of an SEO audit will depend on the size and complexity of your SEO needs, as well as the type of audit that you are looking for. There is no single SEO strategy that works. Every website will need a different type and approach to SEO. For quick and suitable SEO audit contact ReposX digital Marketing Agency south Punjab

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