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Google ads are eliminating similar audience segments

Google Ads will no longer create similar audiences for targeting and reporting. If you are running campaigns that use similar segments they will be a part of your campaigns until August 1, 2023.

Google claims that similar audience segments will be converted to “more robust, tested, security-focused, automated solutions. These tools help advertisers reach out to relevant audiences and meet people’s needs regarding privacy.”

ReposX Digital Marketing company in south Punjab is dedicated to developing robust, long-lasting solutions for advertisers to ensure they reach a loyal with a relevant and in-depth audience, though fewer third-party cookie options are available. Automation is a major component of this dedication.”

The first phase of change (May 1st, 2023)

It isn’t possible to create similar segments for any existing ad group or campaign. However, you are able to continue to target similar segments that are already linked to your ads and campaigns.

It will be impossible to design rules on conversion value that are based on similar segments, but the existing rules for conversion values will remain in place.

Similar segments are not generated automatically for the data segment you have selected.

Final phase of the changes (August 1st, 2023)

You can’t make use of similar segments to target and reporting. The same segments are eliminated from all ad groups as well as campaigns.

Similar segments won’t be featured within Google Ads, including in Audience Manager.

Similar segments won’t appear in the Google Ads insight or reports. The historical reports will continue to be accessible.

Enter Optimized Targeting and Audience Expansion

Replacing audiences with similar segments is known as Optimized Targeting (for video display discovery, performance and display campaigns) and Expanding Audience (for brands and their campaigns).

Optimized Targeting. To use for Discovery, Display and Video action ads in Google Ads and Display & Video 360 Optimized targeting can assist businesses in finding new and relevant audiences likely to convert, without relying on third-party cookie.

Google states. Advertisers using optimized targeting using Display or Video 360 will expect an average of 55% more conversions when using first-party audience.

Audience Expansion. For Awareness and Reach or Consideration videos audience expansion allows businesses to reach more of the population who are likely to convert.

Availability. This service is already accessible in Google Ads and will be released in Display & Video 360 in the first quarter of 2023.

Things to consider. Remember the above guidelines and features when you are creating or revising settings for your Intelligent Bidding and Optimized Setting for Targeting.

  • Advertisers are able to use the Customer Match lists to conduct smart Bidding or Optimized Targeting.
  • Utilize smart bidding to increase sales in stores or offline sales conversions.
  • You are able to adjust Smart Bidding’s conversion rates.

Dig deeper

To better understand how these automated solutions contribute toward achieving the goals of marketers you can utilize audience insights. ReposX Digital Marketing company in South Punjab helps businesses discover more about their clients’ preferences and how they respond to their advertisements.

More details about these changes in this Google Help Center blog.

If you’ve used similar segments for the Awareness as well as Reach video or the Consideration video campaign It is recommended to include your first-party data segments in your ad groups. You should also switch on the expansion of your audience to reach audiences like those who are that are in your first-party database.

If you’ve used similar segments in your Search or Shopping campaigns and don’t use Smart Bidding, you should consider using Smart Bidding with your campaigns. If you’re already using Smart Bidding already or using Performance Max campaigns, you aren’t required to do anything as Performance Max campaigns automatically leverage signals from your first-party information.

Note for Display & Video 360:

If you’ve used similar segments in YouTube videos, such as line item items within Display & Video 360 and you’re not yet able to turn off targeted targeting optimized then you must activate targeted targeting that is optimized. For other kinds of YouTube video line items, you may utilize the audience extension feature once it is accessible in the second quarter of 2023.

What is the reason this change is occurring?

The traditional online marketing methods are being more limited, expanding your business needs innovative, long-lasting strategies. The best method to keep ahead of the curve is to automate your processes which allows you to reach the right audiences and evaluate the results in a way that is privacy-friendly. This is why google has changed similar audiences to more effective automated methods including targeted advertising, audience expansion as well as smart bidding which can help you use your first-party information and improve your goals in marketing.

To determine comparable segments Google Ads analyzes the billions of users who search on Google. The system can automatically determine the remarketing lists that can be considered similar segments based upon a variety of variables that include but are not restricted to:

  • The number of visitors listed on the list originally
  • How long ago did these people join the original list?
  • The similarity between these visitors is the search behavior
  • Any changes made to the list of items


  • Find and target individuals similar to those who visit your site
  • Make it easier to identify the audiences you want to reach
  • Get new potential customers

How does it work

Google Ads looks at the most recent searches of people in your remarketing list to provide aggregated search patterns of your visitors on your list. Based on this data the system will automatically identify new customers with behavior is similar to those of the people on your list of remarketing.

Imagine you’ve put together a remarketing list of customers who bought running shoes on your site for sporting goods. Instead of assisting you in reaching broad categories of people who are interested in “running.” similar segments will find that those who were on the list were more likely to look up “triathlon training” and “buy lightweight running shoes” prior to visiting your website and making a purchase. Based on this pattern, similar segments can discover other users with the same searches, for example, those who were searching for “buy lightweight running shoes”.

Your lists of similar segments will be automatically updated as the original list changes and users alter their search activities. This means that you don’t need to make changes to the list of similar segments after it is created.

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